Ian McCracken Ian McCracken

What is Myofascial Release?

What is Myofascial Release?

First, let’s clear up a common misread. We’re talking about the Fascia, not a Facial. Yes, we do work the face as well, but this is a whole body approach!

Now, from the Godfather of MFR himself: “Myofascial Release is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. This essential “time element” has to do with the viscous flow and the piezoelectric phenomenon: a low load (gentle pressure) applied slowly will allow a viscoelastic medium (fascia) to elongate.

Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions that can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures that do not show up in many of the standard tests (X-rays, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)

The use of Myofascial Release allows us to look at each patient as a unique individual. Our one-on-one therapy sessions are hands-on treatments during which our therapists use a multitude of Myofascial Release techniques and movement therapy.” - John Barnes, PT

What does a typical session look like?

A session starts with a postural analysis. Next, palpation of the skin will clue the therapist as to what fascial restrictions might be in play. Clients wear a swim suit (two-piece for females), underwear, or shorts and a sports bra so that vasomotor responses (redness, temperature changes) can be seen to tell the next area to be treated.

Fascia responds best after long periods of gentle pressure, so holds up to 5 minutes are the norm, before moving on to the next restriction. Restrictions or adhesions affect the fascial system by binding it down, causing thickening, hardening and increased pressure. This may result in pain and other symptoms anywhere in the body. The area with the restriction might be far removed from the area of pain. 

Clients are encouraged to stay with their feelings during holds and any sounds or body movements they feel the urge to make are welcome, as this is the body's way of processing old injuries/trauma. MFR works best when both client and therapist are both in a somewhat meditative state, not thinking too much, but noticing what is going on in the body and allowing it to happen. This allows the nervous system to fully relax.

MFR is a process. Of course I wish it was a 1-and-done treatment, I could help out a lot more people. But, alas, those restrictions and layers we’ve built up over a lifetime take time and more than one session to heal. Please be patient with the process. It will only help you, never harm.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What in the hell is Fascia anyway?

    Fascia is a continuous three dimensional web of connective tissue that extends without interruption from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. It surrounds and invades every other tissue and organ of the body, including nerves, vessels, muscle and bone. This stuff is everywhere! The average body contains between 40 and 50 pounds of fascia (Schleip, 2015). And up until recently has been ignored by anatomists as mere “packing material.” Now there is a ton of research showing how important fascia really is. “Fascia provides structure and support throughout your body. It holds your muscles together, which allows them to contract and stretch. It provides a smooth surface for your muscles, joints and organs to slide against each other without creating any friction or tears.

    Fascia also stabilizes your body structures and gives your body strength. It separates your muscles and eases muscle tension. It also helps with joint stability and movement, and it improves your circulation. Fascia provides an environment that enables all of your body systems to work together (Cleveland Clinic, 6/2022)

  2. How is MFR different than a regular (read Swedish) massage?

    Swedish is great, don’t get me wrong! Reduces stress, increases circulation, reduces muscle soreness. But it doesn’t get to the root and it doesn’t affect fascia, at least not long term. Fascia needs time to change (hence the long holds), which regular massage doesn’t do, unless they mix in some MFR techniques. MFR is a whole-body approach, with gentle, but sustained pressure so the fascia can release.

  3. How much pressure is applied during the techniques?

    For most releases, the pressure is mild. I am sinking into the tissue until I come to a barrier. I then wait until a release occurs and sink in to the next barrier. For pelvic balancing and leg rotation work, I do need to sink in heavier because I am literally working the bones. Hip flexors can be quite tender areas and this pressure is a slow, but deep sinking in which can feel intense at times. Again, most techniques are quite gentle and relaxing.

  4. Do I really have to wear a swimsuit/underwear, etc?

    Yes, but you can always get under the sheets if you feel uncomfortable! You are in control here. The attire is acquired so I can see those vasomotor responses and so I have access to most areas of the body (the techniques are all done on skin). If you want to go under the drapes like you are receiving a Swedish, that’s fine and I’ll do my magic draping work so you are covered and comfortable.

  5. Will I have an emotional release?

    Everyone is unique! Sometimes it happens first session, sometimes the 15th session, sometimes not on the table at all, but at home where you feel most safe. Sometimes it happens while you sleep (REM sleep is overnight therapy if you didn’t already know). We are releasing restrictions that, for many of them, were formed because of strong emotional events (trauma, injuries, stress) and the body does need to process these for true healing to happen. I wouldn’t believe it myself unless I saw it! It takes time for the body to feel safe enough to do this, so no expectations. Just let it happen if it needs to!

  6. What is Unwinding? I’ve read about it, but I’m confused!

    Unwinding in the unconscious movement of the body as it releases old restrictions. It can be as subtle as a slight tremor or emotional release or as profound as a full blown tantrum (I’ve seen everything and all in between!).

  7. Will I feel better immediately afterwards?

    I will always tell you the truth. Some people feel better after the first treatment. Some take many treatment sessions to get to the root cause. If it’s fascia-related (and fascia touches many parts of the pie chart that can cause pain), MFR can help. For some individuals, receiving MFR treatment can kickstart a therapeutic healing “crisis” where things get worse before they get better. John Barnes talks about healing happening with “one step back, two steps forwards” in many cases. After a session, clients can have what I call “integration days” where the body is adjusting to the treatment. This can mean some soreness, emotional ups and downs, etc. All of it is part of the process and very much worth it.

  8. Will I feel the fascia release?

    It depends. Many people find it hard to feel what is going on inside their bodies except, of course, pain or pleasure. So it depends on your body awareness. Some people are better practiced at this than others, but you can get better at it in time. From the therapist’s perspective, it can feel like the tissue is “melting” and reorganizing itself. It’s quite amazing!

  9. Will you just be working on the area that hurts?

    MFR is a full-body approach. We look at the body holistically, especially since the “spiderweb” of fascia can be found everywhere in the body. So tension in an area (or areas) far from the pain might be pulling on the area that hurts. The cause might be far removed from the site of pain! So expect work on most areas of the body.

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